Welcome to my messy world!

My story is quite “messy”. I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at 15 and struggled with unregulated blood sugar for years due to not taking my condition seriously. There was not a lot of support back then, no direction really and certainly not for a teenager. I mean you can imagine being a teenager and thinking I am not going to deal with stabbing myself in the stomach with a needle if I don't have to.  That led to dia-bulimia (where you restrict insulin to remain skinny) which in turn my blood sugar was constantly at dangerously high levels.   A lot of mis-information was tossed my way including I should not have children (think Steel Magnolia’s). As I grew older these untruths bothered me so much. As I started to read everything I could, I learned I could become a mom and become a mom I did! But that led to pouring all my energy into my children. So incredibly grateful to have the blessing of children I was left grappling with intense mom guilt whenever I tried to focus on my health. The cumulative stress both physical and mental, the long term damage of unregulated blood sugar , and the lack of self care led to a serious heart attack just six days before my 43rd birthday.

During my recovery, I realized that the conventional medical system wasn't aiding my healing process—in fact, it was making things worse. This awakening led me to become my own health advocate and ultimately bucking the conventional medical system. Now, two years post-heart attack, I'm off all my heart medications and have become a certified wellness coach. My mission is to help other Type 1 Diabetics newly diagnosed or living with it for as long as I have take a different path. A path of true understanding and acceptance with living with T1D to help those take back their power and embolden them to know T1D does not define you!

Sarah’s Messy Wellness Media:

Book Sarah for Your Podcast or Speaking Event

Looking for an engaging and insightful guest for your podcast or event? Sarah, the founder of Everything’s Messy Wellness, brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective on holistic health, with a special focus on Type 1 Diabetes. Sarah’s approach emphasizes family involvement, crisis preparedness, and the emotional journey of managing chronic conditions, all delivered with warmth, authenticity, and a touch of humor.

Topics Sarah Can Speak On:

  • Navigating Type 1 Diabetes as a family

  • Crisis preparedness for T1Ds

  • Debunking wellness myths

  • Managing intimacy with T1D

  • And more!

If you’d like to book Sarah for your podcast or speaking event, please contact us here or email us at everythingsmessy@gmail.com